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What should I use to personalize my Mat Tag™?

DRY ERASE MARKERS are the very best option. Why? Mat Tags™ have a self adhesive backing that will cause other markers to bleed before they are absorbed by the fabric. Dry Erase Markers are made to work on such surfaces without bleeding so the fabric can absorb the ink easily.
FYI...You will not be able to "dry erase" your name off the tag.
Black Sharpies are a pseudo-viable alternative. Be sure to use a LIGHT touch and not to let the marker rest on the tag.

What if I used a regular marker and it bled - shucks?

Depending on the extent of the bleed, you can take a dry erase marker and outline the parts that have bled...worth a try.
Or, if you started with a light enough color, you can color the whole tag and then use a dry erase marker to personalize it. (not recommended)
Or, you can chalk that up to a learning experience, and buy another Mat Tag™ and use a DRY ERASE marker this time! :)

Are Mat Tags permanantly stuck to my mat?

Not technically. They are meant to hold sturdy though. They can be removed, and with a little bit of rubbing alcohol the sticky stuff left behind can be easily cleaned off with no harmful effect to the mat.
Mat Tags can also be re-stuck to a new mat (maybe with the help of some rubber cement)!

Can I wash my Mat Tag?

Technically, yes. But, Mat Tags are made of fabric with a non-toxic adhesive backing, so they are subject to all the trials and tribulations of fabric. I do not recommend washing your Mat Tag in the washing machine. Technically, your Mat Tag could survive this trauma, but best not to subject it to this behavior. P.S. Most yoga mat manufacturers advise against putting your mat in the washing machine. Gentle wiping with a wet cloth should do the trick. Spot cleaning is excellent!

Can I order Mat Tags™ with my logo on them?

Due to the high production cost of low quantities of custom tags, they are not feasible at this time.
If you are interested in ordering more than 2500 custom tags, please contact us for more information.

Do we practice random acts of kindess?

YES! Doesn't everybody?! We are working on creating a forum for posting a Random Acts of Kindness list....it'll happen in our spare time!

How do Mat Tags™ contribute to the whole?

It is our vision at Mat Tags™ not only to identify but to INSPIRE! First we connect practioners to their belongs, then connecting teachers to their students and everyone to the world!

Please click here to read about our Bigger Picture!

Reducing what we can and offseting the rest!

We have designed our packaging and displays to be minimalistic. No packing products required for shipping, just one small reusable-recycleable-biodegradable box made from recycled cardboard and 70% post consumer waste. Our baskets are made from reclaimed wood shavings in a fair trade environment.
The tags are woven from a recycled polythread with non-toxic, color fast threads at highly regulated facilities.

We are applying for our Carbon Neutral Status from carbonfund.org. They are a great, third party certified organization. Carbonfund.org supports carbon-reducing projects such as renewable energy, energy efficiency and reforestation projects. What we love about carbonfund.org is that you get to choose which form of energy you want to support, i.e. if you believe in developiong solar energy resources, you can have your carbon footprint offset with solar energy, etc... Reduce what you can, offset the rest!

How can you help? Simple, buy Mat Tags™ and spread the word!

Do you have a question or some info you wish was posted here? Ask away!